Save yourself in a sea haven !
The Duckweed Survival House has been designed by Zhou Ying and Niu Yuntao to overcome the after effect of natural disaster as well as to increase the survival rates.
The floating emergency shelter works better than the conventional rescue life rafts as it has enclosed shelter to protect survivals from rains and waves. Also, the area and weight underneath increase its stability and the underwater stem located beneath of the shelter containing the gas tank at its base, it also admits and converts sea water to fresh drinking water.
自古以来,天灾为人类带来的祸害不尽其数,被迫流离失所甚至家破人亡已不足为奇。然而身外物是其次,大地咆哮后仍能够保留珍贵的性命,继续呼吸下一口气才是最关键的.不管身处世界哪一个角落,地震,洪水,海啸等都让人心惶惶。两位设计师Zhou Ying和Niu Yuntao着手设计了这款浮动的应急避难场所设计Duckweed Survival House,便是为了在自然灾害毫无预警地发生时,能提高人类的生存率。
Designer: Zhou Ying, Niu Yuntao
There is an opening located on the top of each shelter to allow air circulation of the interior. Other than that, fluorescent color of the Duckweed Survival House also allows it to be recognized easily from far distance or in dark environment.
Source: yanko design