Approach your creativity (The Approach Notebook)
Sometimes we rely too much on technologies including smart phones and laptops that make us can't live without them. However, no matter how modern the technologies are, there is always something that cannot be replaced easily, such as traditional notebook. Writing with pens or pencils on paper to capture your mind and ideas is something that we've learn since young and will always be practiced until forever.
The Approach Notebook was designed as the perfect notebook for creativity, it is also to optimize the user experience of 'Thinker'. To design a perfect notebook for the users, the ideal size, quality of paper and the other tiny details are all been taken into account by the designer. So, there is two type of notebook designed, which are The Lite and The Professional to suit all type of users and their needs.
近来刚推出市场的The Approach Notebook自称为“完美无瑕的记事本”,从纸质到尺寸大小都得经过设计师一番精挑细选,仔细的雕琢打造成一个完美结合实体笔记本及手机记事程序的综合体。为了满足大众的使用和需求,The Approach Notebook贴心地设计了两款不同类型不同风格的记事本,分别是The Lite和The Professional两个系列。
1. The Lite 轻便型笔记本:
The Lite notebook is a soft-bound design which is created to complement digital devices. Even though most of the works today are done with technologies, but notebooks are still will be needed to allow users to think visually with creativity. The Lite is easy to carry and with the special binding, it can be laid flat on the table surface. Also, the pages inside can be ripped out easily when needed.
当中的The Lite系列采用了软书皮装订,轻巧的设计方便使用者随身携带。笔记本也能笔直地摊开放在桌面上,让你在使用着技产品的同时能随时将串门子的灵感快速记录在记事本上。此外,你也可以轻松撕下记事本里的任何页面而无需担心留下参差不齐的边缘。
2. The Professional 专业型笔记本:
The Professional is a hard-bound notebook comes with the faux-leather cover, there is also a band that hold the book together. It is designed for those who use notebook as their main thinking and note-taking tools. With more pages than The Lite, it provided a high level of completeness and durability inside. Five different types of layouts (from blank, to ruled, grid, and calendar styles) are provided to suit all needs.
笔记本的另一个系列The Professional则是采用了硬书皮装订,封面则采用了人造皮材质,同时附有一个弹性绑带好让笔记本在不用时能完好地收纳。正如笔记本被命名为The Professional,它正是为龙职场上的专业人士们设计的最佳好帮手。有别于The Lite系列较为休闲轻巧,笔记型的记事本,The Professional则是偏向于谨小细微,着重使用感和整齐归类的笔记本。这系列的笔记本将收纳更多的书页同时也提供了多种款式供大众选择,从空白,单线条,格子到日历框的书页设计都只为了满足大众不同的需求。
3. Add On 附加工具:
Other than that, Approach offers four types of add-ons to complement the Approach notebook user experience. It actually resolve various problems that have encountered by users when using the notebooks.
Source: Yanko Design