The splaying shipping containers
Home is a resting shelter of every one of us, however there have a lot of different perspectives by us towards a a place called home.
Designer: James Whitaker
There is a designer from London, James Whitaker who built an extraordinary building by lifting up several shipping containers in a desert, the building actually overturn stereotype of a house.
然而,近来伦敦的建筑设计师James Whitaker却在一片空旷无人的沙漠中立起了一间以数个集装箱shipping container拼凑而成的房子,推翻了我们打从出生以来对于一个家的刻板印象和记忆。
This building called Joshua Tress Residence which contain a kitchen, a living room and 3 bedrooms inside, the form and shape is trying to metaphor a flower blooming in the desert. There’s a also car garage roofed in solar panels to provide power for the house.
这座建筑名为“约书亚树宅院 (Joshua Tree Residence)”,只有200方尺的空间包含了一套厨房,客厅和三套卧室,长形的集运箱以不同的角度立起并营造出荒漠中一朵灿烂盛开的花非一般的景象,而室内则由车库上方的太阳能板发电。
However, the building is still in design stage and these pictures shown are just some rendering pictures which was made from computer soft-wares.
The house can be different but the root of house will be planted and placed in the same position in our heart.
Source: Whitaker studios