Shut the sound of everything with SONO (with VIDEO)
You've been tired for whole week and desperate for more sleep early in the weekend morning, however there are too many 'alarms' that wake you up from your sweet dream, the kids' playing around, a truck passing by and the sound of car horn. No matter how tight you shut your window but they will just slip in anyway and it's way too annoying.
Designer: Rudolph Stefanich
It is actually can be really easy to enjoy a moment of silent. SONO, a noise cancelling device designed by Rudolph Stefanich can now erase the sound and noise by just sticking it to any windows in your house. The SONO picks up and wipes out ambient noise with a tiny microphones. It counter-vibrates the window to reduce the sounds coming from outside when applied to a window. You can also custom control the sound that you wanted to hide from you.
渴望片刻的宁静其实很简单,SONO消噪器正是你最完美的选择。此设计来自澳大利亚的设计师Rudolph Stefanich,SONO消噪器的使用方式十分简单,将它牢牢地吸附在玻璃窗上,启动后SONO便会自动过滤周遭环境噪音的来源和范围,并且提供不同降噪音选择供使用者筛选,让你自行选择是完全屏蔽窗外的噪音抑或屏蔽某些特定的声音,而只保留如虫鸣鸟叫等大自然的声音。
Also, there is a concentric broadband antenna rings which harvests the energy of electromagnetic noise from Wi-Fi or similar signal.
Even though SONO received an design award of James Dyson, it is still a prototype which needs more testing and experiment to ensure the efficacy of the product.
尽管如此,获得了James Dyson设计奖的SONO目前离成熟产品还相去甚远,不过却是足以让人期待的设计产品之一,让大家在都市里也能信手拈来片刻无声的美好时光。
Source: PPINKA