When Lighting meets with Hanger.
In Milan Design week 2017, a a lamp-coat hanger 'han' is introduced by a lighting company faro barcelona which is designed by álvaro goula and pablo figuera. This is the first collaboration for the two SPanish studios. They said: "when we were asked to design a wall lamp which at the same time had to be a coat hanger, the first thing we thought was that it was going to be complicated to find a balanced design that integrates nicely the two elements, but in the end, we were very happy with the result.”
早前举办的2017年米兰设计周(milan design week 2017)里,设计工作室 Goula/Figuera Studio 和灯饰公司 Faro Barcelona联手为此次展览设计了一款名为“han”的衣架灯。这次的合作其实是两家西班牙设计工作室的首次合作,他们也表示:“当我们接到要求将壁灯与衣架结合在一起的时候,首先想到的就是要在两种元素之间取得平衡将是很复杂的一件事,不过最后我们却对这个设计结果感到非常满意。”
The 'han' lamp is a structure composed of a LED light source, emitting a soft and warm illumination which comes with four hangers. ‘imagine when you come back home late and you open the door, the lights turn on and of course you don't want to be welcomed by a powerful and blinding light. So, han offers exactly the opposite: it welcomes you with a warm and ideal dim light,’ declares the designers. It is made of steel and PMMA, the design has only pure geometric lines and a delicate sense of minimalism that complements the soothing LED lighting.
这款由goula/figuera合作为faro barcelona打造的“han”是由一盏LED灯源组成并且结合了柔和而温暖的灯光,上面还配有四个衣架。设计师说道:”试想象当你深夜归家身心俱疲,门敞开的那一瞬立刻有一盏灯为你而点亮,此刻你绝对不会希望那是一盏刺目耀眼的灯光,而han能带给你的,便是以一盏昏暗而温暖的灯光来欢迎你回家。这款设计是由钢制品与亚克力材料制作而成的,单纯的几何线条以及极简主义的精致感,与柔和的LED灯光相互补充。”
There are four hangers attached on Han, and it is suitable to be placed in reception area.
The LED lamp emitting a soft and indirect light.
The design of Han is minimalist and uses purely geometric lines.
There are two options of color: black and white.
Source: Designboom